Creating Sustainable Businesses in Southeast Asia

For businesses to succeed in today’s competitive digital marketplace, it is important for companies to leverage innovative technologies.

For Singapore’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) this can be a challenging prospect. In an Epson survey of 864 SMEs across six of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN’s) largest countries by GDP, 61 percent of Singapore’s SMEs cited cost as the reason for not moving forward with updating existing technologies.

With SMEs in Singapore contributing 48 percent to the country’s GDP[1] it is vital for these businesses to be competitive in the regional and global market. This means that business owners need to be building sustainable businesses that can adapt easily to change – from an operations and environmental perspective.

How SMEs can build sustainable businesses

SMEs are at the heart of Singapore’s economy, employing 65 percent of the national workforce and constituting 99 percent of all businesses[2], and as such need to be empowered with the right tools to participate successfully in the emerging digital economy.

Companies are also becoming increasingly aware of the need to act sustainably, as this can positively impact company efficiency, brand value and reputation, growth, and stakeholder relations.

From an operations perspective, SMEs can benefit from the adoption of sustainable business practices through the reduction of operating costs, such as power consumption, by selecting hardware that supports business objectives and streamlines energy use.

Companies are also becoming increasingly aware of the need to act sustainably, as this can positively impact company efficiency, brand value and reputation, growth, and stakeholder relations.

However, fostering digital transformation requires more than the adoption of new technologies. Today, this means creating environments where businesses can leverage innovation to deliver meaningful change that drives positive business outcomes.


What does sustainable business mean to Epson?

Epson believes that a key area that sustainability can be addressed is through investments in new technologies that also have a reduced environmental impact.

The company’s Environmental Vision 2050 establishes our goal to provide products and services that contribute to the environment by making efficient use of energy and resources as well as reducing the environmental impacts of production processes and customers’ business processes.

For SMEs, this means helping them tackle the next steps toward becoming a sustainable business. Epson is committed to helping SMEs reduce their environmental impact by improving work processes with products and services. Our latest creation revolutionising the future of paper is PaperLab, the world’s first automated paper making system that can recycle used paper into new in minutes.

Other ways to incorporate sustainable practices include managing printing costs more sustainably with Epson’s environmentally-friendly heat-free printers. Using on-demand colour label printers can not only save cost but reduce wastage – a boon for SME food manufacturers chasing product sales. Retailers can also now deploy point-of-sale (POS) printers that connect easily with other technologies, making printing reliable and easy to use for business owners.



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